The Story of Lizzie and Buddy Bear

Lizzie’s preschool class has a communal bear, and each kid gets a turn to bring him home.
This is their story.

The Story of Lizzie and Buddy Bear

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a little girl named Lizzie.  She was lonely because she didn’t have any friends.  Her teacher was a very nice lady, and she found a friend for Lizzie: Buddy Bear!

One day, Buddy Bear came home from school with Lizzie, so they could play together.
Lizzie was so excited.  When they got to Lizzie’s house, though, Buddy Bear disappeared!

 Buddy Bear didn’t mean to run away; he just wandered off and had a grand adventure.

First, he found a book to read. buddy3

 Then he found a BIG dog to play with.


After wandering around for a while, he got really dirty, so he took a bath.


 When he was clean, he crawled up on the couch to play a game on the phone.


Later, he realized he was hungry, so he devoured a yummy pizza.


Finally, he was so tired that he found a soft, comfy bed and fell asleep.


Lizzie was so sad when she couldn’t find her friend, but when it was her bedtime,
she found a wonderful surprise: Buddy Bear was in her bed!!

Buddy Bear told her all about his adventure,
and they cuddled all night and had sweet dreams of rainbows and unicorns.


 The next morning, after they ate a healthy breakfast,
washed their hands and brushed their teeth,
Lizzie and Buddy Bear went to school to learn lots of interesting things!
